Here’s one from the archives:
Make little of striving to be good. Make much of knowing your essential goodness. Make little of living the right life. Make much of aligning authentically with this moment, choosing what's right & good right now. Make little of all you know or could next figure out. Make much of curiosity, openness, letting in what life wants to show you. Make little of sorting the stuff of life into good & bad bins. Make much of allowing the spectrum of experiences & emotions to touch your being, open your heart, change your mind. Make little of concepts of silence or rules of meeting it. Make much of the felt experience when it strikes at random, in the wee hours, during a shower, in the pause between thoughts, between snowflakes, in this sip of hot tea. What you make much of affects you. Your mood, your state, your thoughts, your experience—your life. Especially when you make much of what bothers you, what’s lacking, what isn’t to your liking. Making much of it reinforces it, turns it into a lens you keep looking through (missing other things you might otherwise see), creates something you get rigid about and insist upon when perhaps life is inviting you to let go—or at least open to what else is possible. Unless you make much of what makes you more spacious & generous & kinder & easier & more trusting & more curious & more open and … Then all of that expands & EXPANDS. What you make little of affects you. Life will be full of things that aren’t to your liking, aren’t what you’d vote for if you had a vote, bring up your fears & stuff & desire to control. Life will extend any number of invitations for you to go to war, with anything or anyone, if you choose to head that way. If you make little of those things, you can say yes to more good stuff. Make little of things you :
Mindsets or stances you might reach for to allow you to make much of the good stuff:
Good stuff you might make much of:
We’ve talked about where to put your focus. We’ve talked about GETTING OFF THE TOPICS that don’t serve you. Those. Make little of those. Take your focus off that. Then consider what to reach for that would serve you well to make much of. Love & blessings, Jaya * The link on Everything is always working out for me above will take you to an Abraham-Hicks rampage on that topic that I love. Here it is again. It helps a lot with what to make much of.