Just you and me, your vision, the stuff you've been carrying around that you want to put down.
We'll take a good look; clean up your mindset, or the thought lenses you're looking through; set you up to cultivate new habitual ways to think about, respond to, and create your life; and make sure action steps toward your vision are clear and feel manageable. We may do some inquiry, visualization/meditation, clarifying exercises, relevant field trips, visioning, planning of action steps, and then some. Wherever we can start to take actions while I'm with you, we'll do just that. What are you ready to be done with? Let me help you usher it out. Two ways to meet one-on-one for a deep-immersion daylong experience: YOUR PLACE ... I come to you, and you pay for my travel, lodging, and meals. ... OR MINE You come to me and pay for your own travel, lodging, and meals. |
What kinds of coaching issues might you bring to this daylong one-on-one format?
Fee: $777
Note that this low fee covering the offerings before, during, and after listed below, is temporary! I'm setting the price for this service super low as I experiment with this modality to learn how I work best and to witness how I flow with the various needs of clients. I've done so much deep and transformational work with people as I launch this that you're not exactly a guinea pig. What's true is that I'm in a learning and refining process and wish to charge less until I feel I've gotten more precise clarity on a few aspects of this brilliant way of meeting an individual in an intensive, profound, pack-it-in structure.
Note that this low fee covering the offerings before, during, and after listed below, is temporary! I'm setting the price for this service super low as I experiment with this modality to learn how I work best and to witness how I flow with the various needs of clients. I've done so much deep and transformational work with people as I launch this that you're not exactly a guinea pig. What's true is that I'm in a learning and refining process and wish to charge less until I feel I've gotten more precise clarity on a few aspects of this brilliant way of meeting an individual in an intensive, profound, pack-it-in structure.
Before Before we meet, we set some clear intentions. I give you assignments to do in preparation of our meeting. These are meant to be clear and to make sense, and you'll agree to them fully before you proceed. You're welcome and encouraged to ask questions and engage with me in a process of tweaking both before the assignments are set and while you're working on them. It's important that they not create overwhelm or anxiety but instead a sense of increasing clarity and getting a handle on what you need help with and identifying the obstacles to your well-being or to moving toward your vision. We're on the right track anytime you're feeling relief and increasing clarity and trust. During We spend 6 to 8 hours together in which we're interacting directly or I'm holding space for silences and solo activities in your process. We take in breaks as needed so that the span of hours I'm available to you is greater than those in which we're on task. If we have a meal together, we do that off the clock, though that too can inform the process and move it forward. Before I leave, you'll have clear directions about how to proceed with some solid action points already in place. After We check in by email 48 to 60 hours after the end of our meeting and schedule two 30-minute phone sessions for approximately two and four weeks later. Somewhere in there, you fill out an assessment form that allows you to think more clearly about the process and offers me feedback to keep improving my process. |
From a one-on-one one-day client:
"We set up the intention of working magic on this retreat, and I had imagined the sharp-insights, lights-and-flashes kind. I would come in with the list of issues that needed addressing and leave with them addressed; I'd have some drive-forward actions to take to keep them in the 'addressed' category. "Instead, the flavor of magic that appeared was a subtle alchemy. I feel like the things distressing me have been transformed to grow in a new way. I did come in with issues that needed addressing, and left with techniques to practice loving myself more—because that, at the core, is what truly needed addressing. I felt like we went so much deeper than the surface issues that were bugging me—down into the dark roots. "I liked analyzing and better understanding the roles of the people in my life through a dream exercise, then later creating a blessing to send out that came directly out of my needs. Both of those were powerful things to walk away with. We also hit upon a question to examine in an ongoing way: How do I practice my integrity while not getting in the way of what others want to do (or getting in the way of their life journey)? I liked that we never revisited the same physical space twice—which seemed an important illustration of moving forward and not getting stuck in the old pattern loops that no longer have usefulness. The biggest value was your willingness to structure this however best served our investigation together.” |
Let's talk about whether this opportunity is the right one for you.