I love my logo made by artist Alice Muhlback (an Ithaca gem). Check out her gorgeous, raw, whimsical work!
You're welcome to join the following 3 ongoing events
1-2-3 pics by Possessed photography on Unsplash
More on Monday-night drop-in group coaching
We treat what anyone brings in a way that supports all present: inquiry, practical applications of teachings of Abraham-Hicks or anything you wish to live into more fully, reframing narratives for soothing & empowerment, and more.
For JOIN LINK, click on pic of Zoom grid above
Sliding scale from $0 to $22. Pay for 3, get #4 free.
Venmo:@jayathetrustcoach / PayPal: paypal.me/jayathetrustcoach
Sliding scale from $0 to $22. Pay for 3, get #4 free.
Venmo:@jayathetrustcoach / PayPal: paypal.me/jayathetrustcoach
That's the main event, folks. My individual work is powerful & profound & deeply satisfying to me & my clients. Write [email protected] to set up a free 45-min consultation that will leave you feeling better & more equipped to meet your life whether you choose to do more coaching or not!
I meet with a handful of people each month for new-client consultations.
If you're curious about coaching, contact me now to schedule a free consult.
We'll meet for 45 minutes on zoom. My intention is to send you away with new
understanding and feeling equipped & empowered to meet yourself where you are
and walk yourself toward where you'd like to be, with or without further work with me.
E-mail me at [email protected] to set up our meeting.
Hard conversations with tricky, convincing, possibly manipulative people in your life? This page on my site offers a formula to hold your ground (and yes, your boundary) with ease, clarity, and kindness.
What you say has two simple parts. What you are free NOT to say is also laid out.
I meet with a handful of people each month for new-client consultations.
If you're curious about coaching, contact me now to schedule a free consult.
We'll meet for 45 minutes on zoom. My intention is to send you away with new
understanding and feeling equipped & empowered to meet yourself where you are
and walk yourself toward where you'd like to be, with or without further work with me.
E-mail me at [email protected] to set up our meeting.
Hard conversations with tricky, convincing, possibly manipulative people in your life? This page on my site offers a formula to hold your ground (and yes, your boundary) with ease, clarity, and kindness.
What you say has two simple parts. What you are free NOT to say is also laid out.
I've created an audio version of "This is what X feels like," a powerful process for walking you through whatever human experience you're up against that brings up strong feeling. Highly recommended.
Increases a sense of unity with all others, calls forth compassion for them, lands in self-compassion.
Here are 11 Rules for When You're Discouraged or Distressed.
If you like them, print them out and keep them in view or in reach, or bookmark the page.

LIVE 3-Centers Meditations Mon thru Sat
(click on pic for Zoom join link)
11:45 ET, done by noon
Anyone is welcome to these brief meditations (7-15 minutes) with me or my lovely colleague Rebecca Mehnert!
Fantastic resets in the moment, with accruing benefits from connecting to all 3 centers of intelligence (body, heart, head)
and the guidance they bring in.
Access recordings of prior 3C meditations now
(audio only)
(click on pic for Zoom join link)
11:45 ET, done by noon
Anyone is welcome to these brief meditations (7-15 minutes) with me or my lovely colleague Rebecca Mehnert!
Fantastic resets in the moment, with accruing benefits from connecting to all 3 centers of intelligence (body, heart, head)
and the guidance they bring in.
Access recordings of prior 3C meditations now
(audio only)
Sign up for mailings to keep up with current offerings!