20 Empowering Tools and Mindsets
for Successfully Changing Your Diet (or Facing Any Big Life Change) This article appears in July of 2012 in my (amazing) local food co-op's newspaper, GreenLeaf. Because I wrote it for the co-op, the focus is on making dietary changes or dealing with dietary restrictions. Every one of the 20 points (even the one about snacks!) applies to anyone making or wishing to make any life change. Whether you've received some diagnosis (say, hypoglycemia, diabetes, or celiac disease) that requires a change in your eating habits, or you simply decide to experiment with food choices to see if a change of diet might give you a different experience (as I did — successfully! — with trying an anti-inflammatory diet to reduce pain levels), you may find the prospect of radical dietary change a daunting one. You may feel ill-equipped to face it. The concepts that follow can be applied to any realm of life, to any place where life invites you to step into change that scares you ... even as you see the greater well-being and better life such change may offer.
Love & blessings, Jaya |
In August, I'll be offering 4 workshops at the Michigan Womyn's Music Festival (yayyyy!):
![]() I'm taking care of myself, my children, and my clients; spending more time taking in more waterfalls in Ithaca's gorges; writing more. I'll make time for a few free 60-minute exploration sessions, though they may need to be scheduled further off than usual. Try me. Ongoing Inspiration on Facebook![]() I'll stay on top of daily Facebook posts as best I can to give you a daily dose of the-Universe-is-conspiring-in-your-favor. Watch for the inspirations, invitations, and reminders! They're about getting present, harnessing your power of interpretation, being kind to yourself, meeting ALL that happens while watching for the gifts, meeting every face as the face of God, staying in good standing with yourself, and more. ... This is a public page, so you don't need a Facebook account to drop in.
https://www.facebook.com/jayathetrustcoach Photo by Nydia Blas: [email protected] Coming up in the Fall ...
In Toronto for Labour Day Weekend! I'll be doing a daylong workshop on Sunday, September 2, "Living Fully in Your Power." Watch for Fall Retreats! Stay tuned for news of my 2012 fall weekend retreats, one at Nurture Through Nature eco-retreat center in Denmark, Maine (October 12-14) and one at Light on the Hill in Van Etten, NY (November 2-4).
Many joyful, heartfelt thanks to all who participated in wishing me a happy birthday in all the various ways that happened. It feels great to receive so many blessings as I cross the 50 threshold!