.Thank you for even thinking about writing a review of Scooch! on Amazon.
Please remember the point of your book review and star rating. This is an entirely unknown book that people may benefit from knowing about. They have no reason to buy the book if they don't know me or my work. (It won't even come up in searches if it's not being purchased and reviewed.) So say things (true things!) that invite people to read because of the value of the content, the quality of the writing, the specific things that spoke to or served you. Offer something specific! Mention how truly user-friendly the concepts in the book are—practical, applicable. If you say negative things or give low or average star ratings, there's not much reason for the curious to look any further. I'd love to get the kindness and support of Scooch! to more people!
Easy step-by-step Amazon review-writing instructions:
When you're on my Amazon book page, you can see the sixteen reviews already posted. Some of these are under 10 words. Three of them contain three sentences. Don't make this a chore! Thank you so much for your assistance and support. If you'd be willing to post your review on Facebook, or make a separate post about my book there (with link to my site or to Amazon), recommend it on Goodreads, tell people about it, buy it for loved ones, and anything else you can think of to bring the book to prominence, I'd be much obliged. I have a vision of this book being known, seen, read and am watching for all that supports this vision. |