A workshop for women to know & grow their power (trans-women and all manner of diversity welcome)
Choose to come both days or either Saturday or Sunday. Each day's program will stand on its own, while Sunday's content builds upon Saturday's. Saturday, Sept 10 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Fee: $99 Sunday, Sept 11 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Fee: $77
For both days, pay $144 ($32 less than the sum of the two daily fees).
Place Specific place and directions will be sent to fully registered participants. It's less than 15 minutes away from downtown Ithaca, in Danby. The site is lovely, with a lot of windows letting in light and offering a view of tree-filled lawn (including a lovely grandmother tree) and various birds coming & going to benefit from a feeder. We'll spend some time outside if the weather encourages such a thing.
Thinking of coming from out of town? Because the site of the workshop also serves as an air b-n-b, there are 2 rooms with queen-sized beds available for $100 per night (breakfast included). You're welcome to split a bed and cost of the room with a friend or partner. You can stay Friday (arrive at 5 or after) and/or Saturday evenings. Nearby are lovely woods for hiking or strolling and beautiful Buttermilk Falls. Restaurants are within 10 to 15 minutes' drive, and you're welcome to use the kitchen to cook for yourself.
Day of the workshop Please arrive a few minutes before the workshop so we can settle in and begin right on time. You're welcome to arrive within 20 minutes of start time.
Lunch happens through a simple & delicious vegan dish provided and whatever you bring to contribute to a group meal or take care of your own needs. If circumstances should keep you from contributing, no worries—there's always extra. Lots of teas are provided. Come with coffee in hand if you want coffee!
The workshop content is based on the idea that personal power begins with the relationship between you and you (not what others think of you or what you think you can make happen in the world). We'll focus on some important aspects of your relationship with yourself and the ways this allows you to interact with others and move through your life in public and private in a powerful way.
On Saturday, we'll cover the following:
Your relationship with yourself and how it affects your personal power.
Self-referral/being in good standing with yourself.
Staying out of victim mentality/cultivating a consciousness of choice. When I heard Byron Katie's definition of victim, I realized we all carry some of that mentality and I love to help people ferret out where yours is. (She says you're a victim anytime you believe someone or something outside of you is keeping you from [your well-being, joy, thriving, success, financial security, you name it].)
How language can support you to stay out of victim mode and get behind your choices.
On Sunday, we'll cover the following:
Being in a kind process of change/of increasing your personal power
Being the See-er, not the Seen
The Power Zappers: identify where you routinely diminish your own power and learn how to correct that effectively and kindly
Living in personal power allows you to be much more successful and at ease with the following:
holding your clarity and dignity in any situation with any other human being
course-correcting when you catch yourself operating/presenting in a way that diminishes your power
looking inward instead of outward to determine what you want to do, what you value, what you choose to think and believe
prioritizing (therefore properly tending) your relationship with yourself
self-evaluating in a way that's neutral and fruitful—oriented to doing it better next time as opposed to going into self-attack, self-shaming, or any self-defeating thoughts or behaviors
living at peace with yourself
freedom (or greater freedom) from self-consciousness or preoccupation with what others think of you
My workshops always include a variety of activities that include working together as a whole group, in small groups, in dyads, and solo. Silent participation is always an option. You can opt not to share solo work with the group when sharing is invited. Wherever you fit on the introvert-extrovert scale, you're welcome here. The day will be set up to honor everyone's need for in-breath and out-breath, for taking personal stock in private, and for interacting with others.
Registration for this event is closed.
Click on book image above to visit my book page. Note that part 3 (of 4 parts) is devoted to the topic of Personal Power. I have books on hand currently and can get one to you quickly!
Workshop Agreement
I agree to keep confidential anything shared during this workshop.
I agree to hold space for each being present, seeing her in the highest light. For these few hours, I agree to put aside any negative story that comes up or any preconceived notions I have about anyone here. For everyone present, I take the stance “My love is greater than your fear.”
I agree to continue bringing back to myself any insights and advice I find myself having about another. I will apply these to my own process. I am here to work on myself and my life.
I will also seek to hold myself in the highest light. Where I’m concerned about what others think of me, I’ll keep coming back to what I think of myself. I will seek to be in good standing with myself, to meet whatever comes up for me with compassion, and to move as directly as I can at any given moment toward the highest vision of myself. I am willing to believe in my own evolution, to step into the next best version of myself.