all about Scooch!
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Scooch! is also an e-book! I'm e-lated! Order it, give it away, get an e-copy for yourself! Scooch! contains so much of what happens between me and my clients and what I offer in my workshops and retreats, including
That I get to deliver so much to you through an affordable book kind of boggles the mind and just makes me happy happy happy! Scooch! offers a kinder, gentler process of personal growth and healing: point yourself roughly in the right direction and inch that way--no need to map out the whole journey. This spiritual, many-paths-friendly approach offers workable support in practicing presence and nonresistance; following inner guidance; and declaring a grand experiment to live in a friendly Universe. A bit about each of the four parts follows:
Part 1, “Scooch In Closer to Your Pain and Suffering,” posits pain as no problem. It guides you to treat feelings and thoughts separately: mind the pain body, tend the mind (including through The Work of Byron Katie). What if you neither ran from pain nor perpetuated your own suffering? Detaching from particular timelines or outcomes, effectively scooch into just plain feeling better and into navigating by joy.
Part 2, “Scooch In Closer to Yourself” offers tips in minding your relationship with yourself with supreme self-honoring. Drop comparisons; replace guilt and shame with lavish self-forgiveness; harness your power of interpretation to hold a winning stance. Here's your ticket to the end of self-abandonment.
Scooch! on AmazonClick here to check out e-Scooch! on Amazon. You can also read a sample there.
Click here to order a paperback version of Scooch! online through Amazon. You can also Look Inside there. ![]() I'm in love with this cover! So many thanks go to Liana Buszka, who drew the perfect scooching figures, and Megan Pugh, who designed the whole beautiful look.
How you can help increase this book's visibility:Hey, if it's in your integrity to do so, would you support me in getting this book from obscurity into the light?
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author photoThe ever more amazing Nydia Blas, who has been taking great professional photos of me for years now (in trade! lucky me!) is responsible for my author photo. Note that Nydia is an amazing artist/photographer who creates stunning beauty of great depth. Check out her website:
Part 3, “Scooch into Your Personal Power,” advocates not power-over, but the power to be your biggest, most beautiful self. Cultivate a consciousness of choice over victim mentality, using language to support this. Tell the truth, freely answer yes or no, practice self-referral instead of looking outward for validation. The power zappers--gems showing typical ways you dilute your power--come with practical instructions on kindly course-correcting toward a more powerful expression.
Part 4, “Your Power to Create: Scooch from Vision to Fruition,” turns such abused words as visioning, creating, and manifesting on their heads. This pragmatic, no-bullshit approach invites you to craft clear intentions and move toward them, while holding anything you want--any vision you've got--with a loose grip. As you move, trust open and shut doors equally, seeing both as guidance. Let life show you: the gifts may be in the journey, not the outcome. The gift may be in a redirection you couldn't have fathomed. Scooching into a friendly Universe means playing with trust that life will get you where you need to go. |