(Have you ever noticed you can follow the bold print in these writings to get the gist of it for a quick read and to find where you may want to go in more deeply? Yup.) I meant to get this email out earlier but I got busy googling Can you freeze red lentil soup? and then best lesbian dating apps for Kansas City, then I looked again to make sure I hadn’t missed any of the free NYT daily puzzles. Just kidding. I HAVE, however, been thinking about how distractions have innocent motives*. Your little or grand time-wasting side trips carry messages & invitations for your greater well-being—if only they can elbow past your self-accusations of lazy distractible unfocused procrastinating or whatever you choose to call it to make yourself feel bad. (*Thank you to brilliant coach Jude Spacks for giving me this phrase and concept of the innocent motive.) Ever notice that feeling bad about your behavior (thus yourself) is possibly the LEAST likely way to move away from what you’re not loving? It’s certainly not the easiest, quickest, or kindest way out! So, wanna drop the judgments with me for a moment and explore what wants to come through that could actually feel good to you? That could in fact usher you right into the next bigger-better version of yourself? DISCLAIMER: Please don’t misread me and think I’m saying you should never play games or run curious online searches or binge-watch a good show. I’m not saying that at all. I’m addressing the surplus of that—and how you know it’s too much is not related to a concept or number of minutes. Just this: It feels like too much TO YOU. It feels BAD. See what hits you in this list of possible invitations seeking to come in when you reach for the stuff that zaps your time and messes with your ideas of productivity. Which messages might be for you? Or what else do they bring in as fresh ideas for what you’re really after? Your (loving, entirely UNscolding) guidance system may be saying:
It could be so many things! More below for you to see what’s yours or jogs your thinking toward the more precise issue/s for you.
Hey, I recently did a group EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique, or tapping) session that felt like an inspired journey of connecting to and honoring the guidance system that’s unique to each of us. Check it out if drawn! Your guidance system can support you to get out of anything you don’t actually feel good about doing RIGHT NOW and point you to what would truly meet your needs, fulfill your desires, and move you along toward your visions and intentions! Love & blessings, Jaya
& CHOOSING CONSCIOUS SELF-PARENTING INSTEAD This is a relatively brief one, so take it in. As always, you can sift through following the bold print if you want a quicker read. Get the gift of this important thing to notice & reframe, with easy tactics for making this all feel better and for your beautiful life to go better for you! This persistent NOT ENOUGH thing. You too? I still catch myself, while doing things, moving about my world, transitioning from one task or event to the next, holding a vague sense of finding myself wrong, not doing enough, not having gotten to something yet, not performing or achieving at the right level, not not not … Sometimes I feel a vague or acute disappointment or dissatisfaction, especially at the day’s end, that I might put any or all of these words to:
If you amplify all of this (and some egoic part of you actually thinks its job is to amplify this), this swiftly swells into a baseline (wrongly held as factual) of I’M NOT ENOUGH. (Hey, whether you’re actively saying that to yourself OR NOT, that’s the message.) It may even follow a dissonant crescendo all the way to I’M NOT A GOOD PERSON BECAUSE I’M NOT DOING ENOUGH. Um. WTF? It’s so unfair, and it’s just wrong. It’s based on a false premise that your worth is and must be established by what and how much you do. It implies that this constant negative assessment (which by some wacky defiance of emotional mathematics keeps adding up to NOT ENOUGH) somehow does something of value. To be clear: It does not. Go ahead and look for whether that soothes you, bolsters you, motivates you, energizes you, inspires you … It’s also horrendous self-parenting. Imagine the parent following the kid around while tensely describing what they’re not getting to and how they’re not doing enough and how disappointing they are in what they are and aren’t doing. BAD parenting. Imagine putting a child to bed at the end of the day with a furrowed brow and a list of all they haven’t gotten to and what they didn’t do well enough and what they’d better be on top of tomorrow … This is not the picture of parenting that goes with a thriving child, is it? Here’s what I do with this: I interrupt it every time. I interrupt it as quickly as I notice it (at the first whiff of it) so it doesn’t build momentum. I do not accept walking around with that sensation, never mind any self-talk that might go with it. When I catch it and interrupt it, I give myself (usually out loud to fully hear them) new messages that feel good and encouraging. Messages that
Because that positive, generous vision of myself, held in view, reinforced, and constantly cultivated, is actually what points me to flow with life in the best way. That’s what calls me to feeling good and embodying goodness and creating good and beautiful things. Sometimes living in the flow does look like accomplishment and efficiency, and sometimes it does not. The flow is the flow. One version of it is not better than the others. We all know it feels better when we’re in it. We all know what resistance to the flow feels like. If we try to make the efficient version of flow the right version, we will, again and again, judge ourselves harshly and be disappointed in ourselves. Time for reparenting, or conscious self-parenting If you didn’t get perfect parenting, welcome to the club. Whatever you did or didn’t get, it’s up to you now. Will you parent yourself unkindly, always gazing at yourself through that NOT ENOUGH lens? Or by bringing in calm, soothing, encouragement, positive messaging? Will you tenaciously hold yourself in good esteem? Why should accomplishment and efficiency be the ruler by which you measure your worth, your whole life, or even any given day? That doesn’t even make sense. That sounds like modern human foolishness, not universal or divine intelligence. I invite you NOT to ALLOW ongoing self-defeating inner dialogue and negative assessment. I invite you to quick interruption of what is unfair and inaccurate and keeps you feeling bad. Then aim for what feels better, and tell yourself the things you need to hear to soothe and encourage yourself, to promote loving your life as your wondrous dance with consciousness. Toward that end, here’s a 15-minute 3-centers meditation (addressing body, heart, head) that contains positive messaging in and for each center. And if you like the 3C approach, you can join in live every day from 11:45 to noon six days a week. My lovely colleague Rebecca Mehnert leads on M-W-F, and I’m on T-Th-Sat. Join link is on the homepage of my website (scroll all the way down). Love & blessings, Jaya Note that I have a blog post that teaches Abraham Hick's MARBLE GAME and uses the ubiquitous idea of not emough time as the topic to illustrate how the process goes. AND THE THING YOU REACTED TO IS NO PROBLEM EITHER Do you ever react to something that looks like it’s gone wrong and then instantly react to your reaction? You feel bad about not having some zen response or about not being unflappable? No, please, flap away. You will anyway, so you may as well have your own permission up front to do so. You will react again. You will be reactive sometimes. Something will throw you off faster than you can take a breath and be master of your response. (That’s being triggered. BAM, reaction got set off before you knew what was happening.) So can that be okay? Because it is. It’s part of life. It’s part of our healing & evolution. Repeat: It’s part of our healing & evolution. It is NOT evidence we’re off our path or not getting it fast enough or doing well enough. It’s also part of life that things go wrong. They do! The dog lunges and the leash slips out of your hand, the child runs toward the road, the thing drops and breaks—maybe right when you thought it was the last possible moment to go out the door to get somewhere on time. You missed the stupid rule and got in trouble; you thought you hit SEND but you didn’t; the thing that went wrong got fixed wrong and it’s still not working despite the money & time you spent. And this: Another human being, in their pain and confusion, says just the thing that pushes a button so old you don’t have even one second to stop your inner 5-year-old from screaming (or heading for the hills, or going still & speechless, or getting all cute and sweet) in response. (Yes, fight, flight, freeze, fawn—4 typical trauma responses.) You react, perhaps in some way you disapprove of. Please let it be okay. Release the disapproval. Please get real and get okay with the whole picture: Things will go wrong, and you will sometimes react. If you don’t accept this, you’ll suffer more. You’ll be, as Byron Katie says, in an argument with reality. And when you argue with reality (she loves to add), you lose—but only 100 percent of the time. But shouldn’t things be going right now since [I’ve healed so much, I’ve grown so much, I’m doing so well, I’ve stopped blah blah blah]? I noticed long ago that I had an interesting belief about when or under what circumstances things were supposed to go right. Sometimes my clients say things that show me they’re thinking that way too—and thus creating needless suffering. (We’re taught that life works in certain ways and, um, NO, IT DOES NOT.) Here’s how that interesting belief went: If I was doing well or feeling present or having a cool insight or working with a tool or experiment that I felt great about—or even that I had some lovely sense of discovery or epiphany about (ESPECIALLY then)--then that meant things should go well. Kind of like a cosmic reward system. Or evidence that yep, you’re on track. See? EVERYTHING is going swimmingly, that’s how you know you’re on track. NOTHING is going to go wrong now. Great idea. Except it’s not real. It’s a great example of magical thinking. So in that old belief, when things didn’t go well, I also believed there was a PROBLEM. Something had gone very wrong. Or I had done something wrong. Or I was a FOOL to believe that it was possible to feel good and to have deepening understanding and come into new ways of being. OBVIOUSLY, now that this thing had gone wrong (that shouldn’t have), things would just forevermore keep going wrong and the idea of actually healing or evolving was a pipe dream. Or something was terribly wrong with me and I was unfixable. Or probably all of the above, fuckety-fuck-fuck. What if you took OUT of the equation all requirements for things going well, smoothly, or in your way (according to your preference) (not costing you anything, not creating discomfort, not triggering some reactivity or taking you out of your zen state)? What if you simply accepted that, on planet Earth, shit happens. Not a measure of how you’re doing. And when shit happens, you might react. There was an era when I was seeking to get this new concept wired in. So anytime I got frustrated or distressed or had a flash of a reaction, I would instantly say to myself, Oh, Jaya, you're thinking there's a problem! What if there's no problem? I did this very kindly. I did it constantly. I rinsed and repeated until it just got worked into my being. Playing with this, I didn’t have time to judge my reactivity. Or if I was already judging it, the judgment got soothed right along with the soothing of reminding myself that
Instead of getting caught up in my reaction (and then needing to judge it or defend it or hyperfocus on the conditions that called it forth), I used my reaction as temple bell, or a call to notice that I’m believing something has gone wrong and that, in fact, nothing has gone wrong. This was more deeply healing than I understood it to be at the time I was playing with this and rewiring my psyche. I was healing old family trauma in which everything imperfect was jumped on, reacted to, punished. In our family system, everything that went wrong gave my parents permission to yell, curse, hit, make their kids wrong. They were wounded human beings who didn’t, at the time, see that they had access to any other way. We are all wounded. And we have access to so many other ways—easier access now than ever. It’s a good equation to play with. Reaction = Call to notice you’re believing there’s a problem, and to remind yourself there's actually no problem. I like the way Abraham-Hicks uses the language of contrasting experiences. This unwanted thing is a contrasting experience. And there will always be contrast. Nothing's going wrong when it comes. YOU ARE NOT OFF YOUR PATH WHEN THE CONTRAST COMES. You simply get to meet yourself here and now, and be reminded of what you like better, and consciously SOOTHE YOURSELF, then head that way—toward what you like better. Let’s all get real with reality and create less pointless suffering. It’s all right. You’re doing all right. This is planet Earth, so … Shit happens. Love & blessings, Jaya so get on with aiming for your well-being instead Mary Oliver said it best in the poem Wild Geese:
You do not have to be good. You do not have to walk on your knees for a hundred miles through the desert repenting. You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves. Many of us, most of us—whatever our upbringing, however steeped in or removed from religion--have concepts of being GOOD in place that we benefit from undoing. Unlearning. Consciously rejecting. Consciously reworking and rewiring. Lots of ideas of being good that we were taught were based on lots of wrong thinking—boundary-less-ness, codependency, values that keep us striving and never getting there (like, anything you want, you must work VERY HARD to get it), a mistrust of our wanting, a fear we’ll get too big for our britches, etc, etc. This good and bad stuff is so deeply wired. Probably because it gets infused with so much identity: you’re good, or you’re bad. Maybe for some areas of life, you’ve more fully unplugged from what you were taught, having already fully (or more fully) recognized it as based in wrong thinking. I won’t give examples. You know what you’ve rejected that your parents, teachers, or most of culture around you were spouting as something you HAD to go along with to be sensible. Right? You know the shit you were taught about gender and bodies and how you get your worth and racial bullshit and unboundaried kindness that was really codependency, and so on. You know that you’ve learned and keep learning, over the course of your lifetime, which things your were taught as absolute truth aren’t true at all. And you keep finding what feels truer. What feels better to believe or experiment with believing. It can feel tricky or sticky or treacherous for folks to undo the concepts around Good. We often don’t even fully have in view—or in conscious awareness—what we’re still considering good that maybe objectively, inherently, is not that. People sometimes fear that rejecting concepts of goodness will mean they’ll suddenly be bad. Or indulgent. Or selfish. They won’t check themselves but will just somehow be caught in some momentum of badness. What?? How does that follow? Try this on: Whatever is ACTUALLY good is known to you in your innermost being. You’re already living it—some of it, some of the time. You know it in your bones, in your gut. You know what feels off when it feels off. You know when you’re clear and aligned and solid and when you’re confused and off-kilter and unsure. You even know when you’re trying to think about something in some way that’s right and good but you feel BAD or mean or righteous or judgy or victimized or wounded while you’re thinking it! YOU KNOW THE DIFFERENCE. So … I’m not asking you to reject ACTUAL REAL OBJECTIVE goodness. But little is actually objective about good. You are the only one who can define what good means to you. And please don’t. I mean, don’t define it in some fixed way, as a concept you have a firm grip on and can just keep applying to any and all situations and with any other being you encounter and have dealings with. (That’s what those who taught you wrong were doing. Don’t just turn that around with slightly or even radically different definitions of good.) As soon as the concept of Good gets too fixed (kind of like the concept of God), you get a religion, and right slides into righteous. Don’t have GOOD as a concept you could give a TED talk about or explain to your class or to your rapt audience on social media. Loosen your grip on your understanding of (or needing to understand) what good means. Define it now and now and now and now, as THIS MOMENT reveals it to you and calls you to something else—calls you beyond what feels not-good in this moment. Be in a dynamic relationship with your own inner being. Be consciousness dancing with consciousness. Right now, the music playing now, the soundtrack of this moment, tells you where to place your foot as you let it ripple through your being. As you let it move through the soft animal of your body. Okay, let’s get more clear about the RAMIFICATIONS of not being clear about this goodness thing. If you think you need to be good, and you seek to apply what’s still in there that got inculcated into your being early and reinforced for years, then
When I got to this point in the writing, I checked on my daily message from Abraham-Hicks. It began like this: The one factor that has been unknown by most humans, that is understood by the beasts, is that Well-being truly does abound; and that you are blessed beings who live in an atmosphere of grace; and that unless you are doing something to pinch off the Well-being, it will be yours. What Abraham did NOT say: unless YOU DO SOMETHING BAD or if you do something to pinch off your goodness! Your goodness is NOT what allows to flow to you or disallows well-being from flowing to you. Mary Oliver gave us the soft animal of your body and Abraham brings in the beasts. Can you let things be more simple? Could you trust, or play with trusting, your inherent, implicit goodness so you can bring your focus to other things? Like, to aiming for your well-being? It goes without saying. You’re good. The animals aren’t worried about this. Find your animal self who simply aims for well-being. Hey, also, it’s not a merit-based Universe. You don’t have to collect good points and earn your well-being by being good. Well-being is meant to be yours. You don’t lose points when you know you’ve strayed into what feels off to you. In fact, that’s partly why you’re good, if you need a why. You have a compass. You have a guidance system. You know when something’s off. So when you notice you’re off-track, just course-correct. As Mary O says, don’t walk on your knees 100 miles repenting. Just get back on-track. Or even aim for what feels more on-track, and trust your capacity to keep course-correcting. Metaphor time: Abraham talks about the rumble strip that your wheels register on the highway when you edge out of your lane while driving. (You even feel hitting the rumble strip in your body. It registers in your own senses.) You don’t need to feel bad or guilty. Just get back in your lane. You don’t need to sit around ascertaining and reviewing and worrying about how bad you are for hitting the rumble strip or vow to never hit it ever again. Just course-correct and think no more about it. If the rumble strip calls you to pay more attention in the moment, to bring more consciousness to driving, or whatever you’re doing now, marvelous. That’s a call back to presence, and presence will always serve you. Note that when you’re paying attention (when you’re present), you ARE cultivating well-being for yourself and others. Check it out if you don’t believe me. In fact, don’t believe me. Just watch yourself. Witness. Notice that you’re aiming for well-being. And when you bring in concepts of goodness (NOT GOODNESS ITSELF, but concepts of goodness) to inform your well-being, you confuse yourself and go off-track again. Or you create misery where you were doing just fine and you were sufficiently on track to keep moving and course-correcting as you go. It’s really no problem when you go off-track again. Your inner rumble strip will rumble and call you to the next course-correction. Do I need to say you’ll course-correct more swiftly, even seamlessly, if you never have to crawl through the desert repenting??? Rhetorical. I know you know. Love & blessings, Jaya I've come to understand that the answer for anyone is, Only if you make it that way. Only if you believe it to be. If you interpret things as punishment, if you respond to things with punishment. Focus on punishment as a thing, and it's a thing. Make it a Big Thing, and it can define your whole reality. (This is true of anything. I like to say that whatever you put under a microscope fills your whole field of vision.) I think it's profound and powerful for most anyone, raised in most any way, colored by any religious tradition or belief system, to ask yourself if you live in a punitive Universe. I'm serious: Pause. And ask. And watch for what arises. If you get any whiff of yes, breathe into that. Feel that energy of punishment and castigation in your body, and breathe into that. (This is the pain-body work.) Ask yourself if it's true. (This is the tend-the-mind work.) Ask yourself if you'd like to experiment with the possibility that it's not true. Ask yourself if you'd like to take responsibility for creating a reality that isn't informed by punishment and the whole mess that goes with it (unworthiness, hypervigilance, perfectionism, defensiveness, needing to earn things that are your natural birthright—like love). (Living into that responsibility will be the choose-your-focus work.) I did a lot of work around this later in life, long after I had consciously declared myself not to be a Christian or to subscribe to the beliefs of the brand of Christianity I was raised with (fundamentalist, or specifically, Southern-Baptist flavored). I started considering the possibility that I still (unconsciously) saw the Universe as punitive when I noticed something important and simple and super-recognizable by a lot of human beings. I realized that I felt myself being punished when things went badly (or not to my liking). I paused, breathed it, asked again (I did this again, and again, and again, each time it arised): Do I live in a punitive Universe? For me it was the last undoing (with many repetitions) of the long-ago teachings instilled in me (and then presented as Truth, so my attachment to them ran deep even after I no longer consciously intellectually saw them as true). While fundamentalists in the Christian tradition (and probably others) give a lot of lip service to grace, there's a ton of emphasis on concepts that counter grace (and its twin, unconditional love): being inherently sinful, needing to constantly watch for the workings of the ego and somehow eradicate that aspect of ourselves (actually not possible or desirable), etc. There's also the disingenuous (a nice word for BS) "love the sinner, not the sin" thing, which is almost never actually applied with anything that feels or looks like love. If you have no experience with this yourself, ask anyone who's queer who's also been on the receiving end of this so-called spiritual concept. I took total responsibility to uncover my punitive Universe AS IT LIVED IN ME. I found:
Honestly, as with EVERYTHING else, I've found the undoing is less hard than we think it will be. The undoing takes wayyyyyy less time than it took to originally instill these wrong concepts in our minds and hearts and sometimes the cells of our being. The undoing is set up through strong, clear intention (I'm going to notice where I live in a punitive Universe, take responsibility for that, and engage in the undoing), followed by choices now and now and now that align with that intention. (Back to the process described above—catch any whiff of it and pause, so that you can work it on both the body/breath and the thought levels; a few simple questions, just sitting with it till it seems absurd—that's enough to undo one hook right now, in this one moment.) Nonjudgmental awareness is your best ally in the process: you get to simply notice your own punitive mentality (the punitive Universe you live in) that will always look like typical human stuff—which you therefore don't need to take personally: I'm punishing my partner right now for not connecting with me the way I want connection. I'm wishing horrible things for our so-called president. I'm making my kids feel bad about something instead of having an open conversation in which I invite them to tell me their experience, including what feels off to them. (Thus you could teach them to honor their own guidance system, not follow your beliefs that you keep reinforcing through punitive means.) Thus, the undoing happens one moment at a time, each moment that the issue presents itself, not by a single unplugging. But people miss the extent to which this is a great process to be in. It's easy precisely because you know exactly when to go in with it (when it presents itself). You basically open the door and look it in the face when it comes knocking. The rest of the time, you're as free of it as you need to be. Ah, the power of NOW. (Thanks, ET.) I invite you out of any model of a punitive Universe. If you choose a love-based, expansive, forgiving Universe, you get to live there. That too, requires living into your vision, now and now and now. Please look below where I've given you a clip of writing describing my dear friend & colleague Kelli Younglove's indoctrination into a punitive Universe. I share it because our work together was part of the undoing for both of us. I share it because she may be your right coach. (If you're an Enneagram Two or need support with boundaries, standing strong, or speaking up, she may very well be your gal. She's also gifted with supporting cisgendered men to do their best personal-growth work. And ... she's a powerful, gentle healer.) love & blessings, Jaya p.s. An addendum featuring Kelli's writing follows. If you'd like another one from me on releasing guilt to get out of a punitive Universe and back to present time, follow this link. ADDENDUM FROM KELLI: Specifically, this is from Kelli Younglove's blog post on a healing she set up using a surrogate listener (when the one she wanted to say things to, in this case a parent, could not hear what she had to say). The part copied below describes her own indoctrination into a punitive Universe: In 1971, my parents moved to a Bible Institute on the isolated prairies of Alberta, taking me and my sister with them. Back then, it was the largest Missionary Training Centre in Canada. Imagine an army barracks with its own school system (everything from pre-kindergarten all the way up to Bible College) and you'll catch a glimpse of my childhood. The Institute was based on an authoritarian system with a top-down hierarchy that put children on the bottom rung. And what I experienced and witnessed there (and after) went directly against the church's message of love and forgiveness. Corporal punishment was used to to break children's spirits and force them to submit to the will of the parents. Signs of independence were commonly met with force. The loss of self was devastating. See Kelli's entire post here. I love the healing event it describes that could serve any human being who can't get the listening they want from a specific human being—while staying open to getting exactly what they need in another form. You may also want to look around on her blog: there's such good content there. |